FACE - Acne Rosacea - Mild or Suppressive (Unknown cause)



Metronidazole Gel


Pregnancy: B; Lactation: Unsafe

Topical Gel 0.75%



Children: Should not need until adolescence.

Adult: Apply twice daily. (Use sparingly.)



Clindamycin Topical

Cleocin T®

Pregnancy: B; Lactation: Unsafe


Topical Gel 1%: 7.5 g, 30 g

Lotion 1%: 60 mL



Children: Should not need until adolescence.


Adult: Apply twice daily. (Use sparingly).



Erythromycin Gel

Erygel®, EryDerm®

Pregnancy: B; Lactation: Unsafe

Topical Gel 2%



Children: Should not need until adolescence.

Adult: Apply twice daily. (Use sparingly).




FACE - Acne Rosacea - Moderate to Severe (Unknown cause)





Generics available

Pregnancy: D; Lactation: Unsafe


Caps: 50 mg, 100 mg

Tabs: 100 mg


Children: Should not need until adolescence.

Adult: 100 mg PO twice daily.


Food: May take with food if GI upset occurs. Take 1 hour before or 2 hours after antacids, iron, milk, or other dairy products. Take with full glass of water to prevent esophagitis.


Important side effects: Photosensitivity (use sunscreen), esophagitis. May discolor fingernails.





(Sumycin®, Achromycin V®)

Generics available

Pregnancy: D; Lactation: Unsafe


Caps: 250 mg, 500 mg

Tabs: 250 mg, 500 mg


Adult: 250 mg PO four times daily for 7-10 days, then taper to 250-500 mg PO daily.


Food: Take 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. Take with full glass of water to minimize esophagitis. Do not take within three hours of antacids, iron, milk, or other dairy or calcium products.




Important side effects: Photosensitivity (use sunscreen), esophagitis. May discolor fingernails. Rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, superinfection, hepatitis, renal damage.



FACE - Acne Rosacea – Resistant




(Bactrim®, Septra®)

Generics available

Pregnancy: C; Lactation: Unsafe


Adult: 1 DS tablet PO twice daily for 10-21 days.


Food: May take without regard to food. Encourage fluids.


Important side effects: Photosensitivity, rash.

Single Strength (SS) Tabs:

80 mg/400 mg


Double Strength (DS) Tabs:

160 mg/800 mg



Reduce dose if renal impairment (CrCl <30 mL/min).