BRONCHOPULMONARY - Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis)



Erythromycin estolate or base

Estolate salt recommended.

(Ilosone®, E-mycin®, Ery-Tab®)

Generics available

Pregnancy: B; Lactation: Unsafe



Tabs: 500 mg

Caps: 250 mg

Susp: 125 mg/5 mL and 250 mg/5 mL


Oral Drops: 100 mg/mL

250 mg/5 mL Q12H × 10 days -  



Tabs: 250 mg, 333 mg, 500 mg

Caps: 250 mg



Children: 40-50 mg/kg/day Estolate (max 2 g/day) in two to four divided doses daily for 7-14 days. Erythromycin base dose is every 6 hours for 14 days.


Erythromycin Estolate

250 mg/5 mL @ 40 mg/kg/day

4-6 kg (10-15 lb) = 1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) Q12H

7-11 kg (16-25 lb) = 1 tsp (5 mL) Q12H

12-16 kg (26-35 lb) = 11/2 tsp (7.5 mL) Q12H

17-25 kg (37-55 lb) = 2 tsp (10 mL) Q12H

26-37 kg (57-81 lb) = 2 tsp (10 mL) Q8H

>38 kg (83 lb) = 1,000 mg Q12H


Adult: Erythromycin estolate 500 mg PO four times daily for 7-14 days or Erythromycin base 500 mg PO four times daily for 14 days.




Food: May take with or without meals. Take with food if causes GI upset.


Important side effects: GI upset, hepatitis.






Pregnancy: B; Lactation: Unk


Tabs: 250 mg and Z-Pak (500 mg 1 day, then 250 mg daily 4)


Oral Susp: 100 mg/5 mL, 200 mg/5 mL 20 kg child    


Children >2 years: 10-12 mg/kg/day (max 500 mg) PO once daily for 5-7 days.


100 mg/5 mL

10 kg (22 lb) = 1 tsp (5 mL) PO once daily for 5-7 days.


200 mg/5 mL

20 kg (44 lb) = 1 tsp (5 mL) Q24H

30 kg (66 lb) = 11/2 tsp (7.5 mL) Q24H

³40 kg (88 lb) = 2 tsp (10 mL) Q24H


Adolescent ³16 years and Adult: Dispense one Z-Pak.



Food: Oral suspension should be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after food.

Tablets may be taken without regard to food.

Important side effects: Nausea, diarrhea,elevated LFTs.




Pregnancy: C; Lactation: Unk


Tabs: 250, 500 MG


XL: 500mg


Oral Susp: 125/5 mL




Children >6 months: 15 mg/kg/day (max 1 g/day) PO in divided doses twice daily for 5-7 days



9 kg (20 lbs) = ½ tsp (2.5 mL) Q12H

17 kg (37 lbs) = 1 tsp (5 mL) Q12H


250 mg/tsp

25 kg (55lbs) = ¾ tsp Q12H

33 kg (73 lbs) = 1 tsp (5 mL) Q12 H


Adult: 500 mg PO BID for 7 days.


Food: Extended degrees tablets with food. Others without regard to food.


Important side effects: Nausea, drug interactions.







Considered second-line therapy.

(Bactrim®, Septra®)

Generics available Pregnancy: C; Lactation: Unsafe


Single Strength (SS) Tabs:

80 mg/400 mg


Double Strength (DS) Tabs: 160 mg/800 mg


Oral Susp: 40 mg/200 mg per 5 mL  


Children >2 months:

6-12 mg/kg/day TMP component (max 320 mg/day) in divided doses twice daily for 7-14 days.


40 mg/200 mg/5 mL @ 8 mg/kg/day

10 kg (22 lb) = 1 tsp (5 mL) Q12H

20 kg (44 lb) = 2 tsp (10 mL) or 1 SS Tab Q12H

30 kg (66 lb) = 3 tsp (15 mL) or 11/2 SS Tab Q12H

40 kg (88 lb) = 4 tsp (20 mL) or 2 SS Tabs or 1 DS Tab Q12H.


Adult: 1 DS tablet PO twice daily for 14 days.



Food: May take without regard to food. Encourage fluids.


Important side effects: Photosensitivity, rash.